
The big problem with AI is the context in which we speak about it. Everybody treats it as something with the potential to be smarter than humans. There is almost the expectation that in the future we will be ruled by "Artificial Intelligence".

I think this context should be shifted so we talk about these AIs serving humans in achieving our goals. I think we should rename them. Let's lift the term "Ancilla" from the Halo lore as its meaning ("an aid to achieving or mastering something difficult") much better describes what AI is and should be.


So, the weather, huh?


There is going to be a microbe emoji. The Unicode Consortium must be a fan of my game 🦠


⣹⡁ ⠈⡏⢸⢼⢈⣏⢸⠢⡇⡧⢎⠀ ⣹⡁ ⢐⡩⢸⢼⠰⣉⠆⢇⡸⢸⣀⢸⡱⠀ ⢇⢆⠇⡯⡂⣹⡁⢹⠁⣟⡁ ⢰⢵⢸⣀⢸⣀⠀ ⢹⠁⣟⡁⡕⡅⢹⠁ ⢸⣀⢈⣏⢸⠴⡁⣟⡁ ⠈⡏⢸⢼⢈⣏⢐⡩


I decided to switch color schemes around on my website again. It's now dark and cyber.


I removed the Disqus comment section for now. You can still contact me via E-Mail.


glow.li is now optimized for w3m.


I need a tool that checks all the GitHub issue $URLs in my code comments to see if they have been closed now.
