The big problem with AI is the context in which we speak about it. Everybody treats it as something with the potential to be smarter than humans. There is almost the expectation that in the future we will be ruled by "Artificial Intelligence".

I think this context should be shifted so we talk about these AIs serving humans in achieving our goals. I think we should rename them. Let's lift the term "Ancilla" from the Halo lore as its meaning ("an aid to achieving or mastering something difficult") much better describes what AI is and should be.


Picture of the Port of Barcelona with lots of containers and a large cruise ship I took this picture of the Port of Barcelona from Montjuïc Castle while visiting in 2023.


I converted all Pokémon sprites to ANSI, so you can view them in you terminal (or browser).

Get a random Pokémon in your terminal:


Get a specific Pokémon:


You can also view it in the browser:

You will need true color support in your terminal.

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⇱ View fullscreen

To calm myself I like to "draw" maps. This is one of them. Try exploring it.

View it in the terminal

curl -s | less -RS
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Photo of an orange blockade with a graffiti reading "THAT REAL SHIT; THAT SHIT THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SHIT"

Saw this cool graffiti in Antwerp. I took the picture to google it, to see if it is a song lyric or something. Can't find anything. But I really like this picture, especially the color composition.


Brussels has a lot of weird statues. Here's a few of them. Some of them are peeing, which made them very famous.

Photo of Manneken Pis

Statue of a small boy peeing, called "Manneken Pis". It will wear a costume every few days.

Photo of Jeanneke Pis

Statue of a small girl peeing, called "Jeanneke Pis".

Photo of Hez Zinneke

Statue of a dog peeing, called "Het Zinneke".

Photo of a Winston Churchill statue

Statue of Winston Churchill (not peeing). I saw it in the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History.

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It's gonna be summer really soon. Now was the perfect time to spend some time upgrading and extending an old project of mine:

You get to see the various information about my local river, the Aare.

See it in your terminal:

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