I figured out that you can pass variables from Termux to a Tasker task. This example sets Android's volume to a value specified in Termux.

Step 1: Creating the script#


#am broadcast --user 0 -a net.dinglish.tasker.[task name] -e [variable name] "[value]" > /dev/null
am broadcast --user 0 -a net.dinglish.tasker.volume -e volume "$1" > /dev/null

Step 2: Create a Tasker profile#


  1. Create a new profile
  2. Choose "Event"
  3. In the "Select Event Category" dialog choose "System"->"Intent Received"
  4. As Action define net.dinglish.tasker.volume

This profile will now be called whenever it receives the "volume" intent.

Step 3: Create the Task#


  1. Tap "New Task" and give it a name
  2. Tap + to add a new Action
  3. Choose "Audio"->"Media Volume"
  4. Under "Level" tap the icon with the crossing arrows to switch to text mode.
  5. Enter %volume as a value
  6. You need to exit Tasker for the changes to take effect.

Step 4: Run the script#

You can now run the script. It will send an intent to Tasker. It will put the first argument as new volume, which has to be an integer from 0-15.

./volume.sh 4

This is only a simple example of what you can do with variables. Let me know what you come up with.