
I converted all Pokémon sprites to ANSI, so you can view them in you terminal (or browser).

Get a random Pokémon in your terminal:

curl pkmn.li

Get a specific Pokémon:

curl pkmn.li/25/

You can also view it in the browser: pkmn.li

You will need true color support in your terminal.

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To calm myself I like to "draw" maps. This is one of them. Try exploring it.

View it in the terminal

curl -s https://glow.li/map | less -RS
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It's gonna be summer really soon. Now was the perfect time to spend some time upgrading and extending an old project of mine: aare.li.

You get to see the various information about my local river, the Aare.

See it in your terminal:

curl aare.li
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