I converted all Pokémon sprites to ANSI, so you can view them in you terminal (or browser).

Get a random Pokémon in your terminal

curl pkmn.li

You can also view it in the browser: pkmn.li

You will need true color support in your terminal.

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⇱ View fullscreen

To calm myself I like to "draw" maps. This is one of them. Try exploring it.

View it in the terminal

curl -s https://glow.li/map | less -RS
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It's gonna be summer really soon. Now was the perfect time to spend some time upgrading and extending an old project of mine: aare.li.

You get to see the various information about my local river, the Aare.

See it in your terminal:

curl aare.li
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The posts and most pages on this blog are now signed with PGP. You can check the signature by clicking the "Signed" button at the top of the pages and running the command in your terminal. If you want to see a page where the verification fails, you can check this page.


Screenshot of Termux running the script in this tutorial People sometimes store sensitive information within Termux, like SSH Keys or PGP Keys. Within Android, this is fairly secure. No other app can access the Termux storage without explicit user consent. But our phones aren't secure devices for most people. Most people have a really short pin or password (or even none at all). So if our devices get stolen or seized, this data can easily be extracted. This short tutorial will show you a way to encrypt the whole Termux filesystem, so this data cannot be extracted once the phone has turned off or the filesystem is unmounted and closed again.

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Just in case anyone needs it. I use it for Jitsi, slack, teams, zoom and other browser conference software like that.

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Browser simulation that requires JavaScript.

⇱ Open in large mode

Click the gear icon for some cool sliders.

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Screenshot of a Word Processor containg the words "Hello Fediverse" in WordArt

I got my very first word processor to run on Linux. Creative Writer released by Microsoft Kids in 1993.

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I got myself a Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator PO-14 Sub. This is my first little bit of music I made with it.


Bear Park (Bärenpark) Bern has set up a Webcam in one of the winter dens of one of their bears, Björk.

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