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The source of this page has been cryptographically signed with PGP.
Only the source was signed, not what you see here. You should check this link to see what has been signed.
Signed source: https://glow.li/posts/graffiti-tunnel/index.html.asc
curl https://glow.li/posts/graffiti-tunnel/index.html.asc | gpg
You can find my public key at https://glow.li/pgp
I went out to take a new background image for my website. This is that image.
Signed source: https://glow.li/posts/photo-of-me-in-tokyo/index.html.asc
curl https://glow.li/posts/photo-of-me-in-tokyo/index.html.asc | gpg
Here's a photo that I am actually in, instead of taking it. That this was Sensō-ji in Asakusa. The oldest Buddhist temple in Tokyo.
Signed source: https://glow.li/posts/fuji/index.html.asc
curl https://glow.li/posts/fuji/index.html.asc | gpg
I realized that I never posted any pictures from my Japan trip last year. So here's the first one. Mt. Fuji.
Signed source: https://glow.li/posts/santa-cruz-de-teneriffe-harbor/index.html.asc
curl https://glow.li/posts/santa-cruz-de-teneriffe-harbor/index.html.asc | gpg
I found some cool places in Teneriffe. Like the harbor area of Santa Cruz.
Signed source: https://glow.li/posts/evilbuilding/index.html.asc
curl https://glow.li/posts/evilbuilding/index.html.asc | gpg
"How do we make our big smokestack seem more friendly?" - "I know, let's illuminate the smoke blood red!"
Signed source: https://glow.li/posts/cava-on-termux/index.html.asc
curl https://glow.li/posts/cava-on-termux/index.html.asc | gpg
Click to view the video. I compiled cava for Termux. It looks so good. This is also my first ever attempt at creating a Cinemagraph like this, so I'd appreciate some feedback.
Signed source: https://glow.li/posts/tashirojima-vending-machine/index.html.asc
curl https://glow.li/posts/tashirojima-vending-machine/index.html.asc | gpg
I took this photo on Tashirojima, Japan.
Signed source: https://glow.li/posts/super-blood-moon/index.html.asc
curl https://glow.li/posts/super-blood-moon/index.html.asc | gpg
The long awaited lunar eclipse finally happened. So I got up at 4:00 and went out and snapped some photos.
Signed source: https://glow.li/posts/full-moon/index.html.asc
curl https://glow.li/posts/full-moon/index.html.asc | gpg
In preparation for Mondays lunar eclipse I went out on Saturday and did some photos of the full moon. Here's the best one.
Signed source: https://glow.li/posts/phuket/index.html.asc
curl https://glow.li/posts/phuket/index.html.asc | gpg