This is a showcase of some of my personal coding projects.

I converted all Pokémon sprites to ANSI, so you can view them in you terminal (or browser).

Get a random Pokémon in your terminal


You can also view it in the browser:

You will need true color support in your terminal.

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To calm myself I like to "draw" maps. This is one of them. Try exploring it.

View it in the terminal

curl -s | less -RS
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It's gonna be summer really soon. Now was the perfect time to spend some time upgrading and extending an old project of mine:

You get to see the various information about my local river, the Aare.

See it in your terminal:

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Browser simulation that requires JavaScript.

⇱ Open in large mode

Click the gear icon for some cool sliders.

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Because I keep struggling with LateX I created a small tool to create presentations. The presentations are made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and the generator and template is written in PHP.



Show Swatch Internet Time in Javascript. Source. I've long since been obsessed with Swatch Internet Time.


Did you ever want emojis in your terminal? Do you find yourself constantly writing the same text snippets?

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Enabling and disabling cronjobs is so annoying and really hard to do from a script. That's why I wrote a small shell script called crontroll.

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Screenshot of microbes Game

⇱ Play the game

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⣏⠆⢎⡱⠈⡏⠰⣉⠆⡗⢼⢸⡳⠰⣉⠆⡯⡂⣹⡁⡠⠀ ⢎⡱⢐⡩⢰⢵⢸⠴⡁⡮⡆

There is something quite perverse about using Braille Unicode characters (⠠⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑), a writing system for visually impaired people, to display regular, Latin letters. That's why I wrote a converter for it.



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